Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Indoor and Outdoor Blooms



Today I noticed my first blooms in the garden! Now that the snow is starting to melt and March is here, I can see things starting to wake up a bit. I can't believe I haven't seen a crocus yet--they usually appear in February! The Winter Aconite usually blooms in January here.
I am enjoying my indoor and outdoor blooms! Spring is finally here!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. YAY!!!! That means it will be here soon for us too!!!! Your indoor and outdoor blooms are a breath of fresh air! And I just love the shots of your kiddos! They are adorable friend! Enjoy the blooms and the warm up! My fingers are crossed that we are done with snow! Happy week to you and your crew! Nicole xoxo

  2. I've been surprised that we haven't gotten crocuses yet, either.
    Your blooms are just beautiful!

  3. Wow, beautiful photos. We are far away from spring here in Wisconsin. We have lots of snow! :-)
    I can not wait to see my spring plants bloom.
    Enjoying yours. ;-)

  4. I have to say, your photos are so lovely! It's so nice to see bright beautiful flowers. We haven't seen any of our bulbs come up yet, but I can't wait to see some color again!
